Leeds poet Charmaine Riley has now published her third collection of poetry, prose and short stories titled “My Creative Change”. Her first collection “Eye-Opening” was described by Oxford Scholar Dr Franklin Smith as “a brilliant piece of work fashioned with inestimable creativity spanning the different genres, which constitute the poetic landscape”. Her second collection titled “My Global Comment” was again very well received as she touched on issues such as resilience, the environment, manners and respect for the elderly all covered with passion and feeling.
“My Creative Change” contains the same raw honesty and commentary with a more darker view but still very poignant and thought provoking. My personal favourite being “Politics is a Pantomime” and “What Happened to Real Art” An added bonus are the two short stories included in this collection. Both are brilliantly constructed in an easy flowing manner and everyone who reads them will be able to relate to the characters and situations.
Charmaine goes from strength to strength and hopefully this latest collection will result in her getting the recognition her incredible talent deserves.
To purchase a copy please visit; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184259936313
Below is Charmaine’s take on the current situation we find ourselves in.
When Corona’s over!
I don’t about you but I’ll be less of a moaner
Not such a loner
Than a texter and More of a face to facer
Return to being a roamer instead of a stay at homer
No more taking life for granted