At a time when there is so much negativity around, especially in regard to young people, it was wonderful to attend the 11th Leeds Boys’ Brigade annual display and awards evening at the New Whingate Methodist Church and Community Centre.
It’s a great shame that the Boys’ Brigade seems to be a “forgotten” organisation in recent times, as the amount of good they do for both the young people attending and their brilliant work throughout the local community deserves to be recognised to a larger audience.
The well organised and fun packed evening was attended by Community Activist Lou Cunningham, Church Liaison Volunteer Mrs Audrey Reed, Officer of the 5th Leeds Girls’ Brigade Mrs Lindsay Westlake and the Reverend Pete Brazier and professionally and enthusiastically presented by Captain Darren Wilson.
The event included an inspection for Juniors and Company followed by well-worked display sessions from the Anchor Boys. The Junior Section and finally Company/Senior Sections. A collection then took place for the Leeds North and West Foodbank before the Awards and Promotions were presented in front of an appreciative and proud audience.
Finishing with comments from the Captain and closing prayers brought an end to an enjoyable, inspiring and uplifting evening. Please check out their Facebook page for more information of this brilliant Boys Brigade group.